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​Floodplain Management and Flood Insurance

All flood-prone municipalities must submit annual reports about their floodplain management activities. 

The reporting timeframe on the form should cover the period from January 1 to December 31 of the year selected.

Submit your report: Annual Report Form.


Technical questions: Email us at

Mapping questions: Email FEMA at, or use the online chat function.

Background Info

We work to provide:

  • Community assistance visits
  • Community assistance contacts
  • Mapping
  • Floodplain management technical and mapping assistance
  • Training

The Pennsylvania Storm Water Management Act 167 of 1978 designates the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection  as the stormwater management and floodplain permitting lead.

The Pennsylvania Flood Plain Management Act 166 of 1978 designates the Department of Community and Economic Development as the floodplain management agency lead. The state NFIP coordinator/floodplain administrator position and required management duties reside with DCED.

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