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​​​​Local Government Flood Resources

​Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants 

FEMA provides general information on hazard mitigation and the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs. Visit the FEMA HMA web page for more information.

Substantial Damage

Following any type of flood event, municipalities are required to conduct inspections of affected structures.  The purpose is to determine if the damages are 50 percent or more of the structure’s fair market value. If the 50 percent threshold is met or exceeded, the entire structure is required to come into full compliance with the floodplain ordinance.

This is not to be confused with an emergency management related assessment.  While they may occur concurrently, this is specific assessment unique to floodplain management.

Helpful resources for municipalities:

Flood-Related Documents

Content Editor

​Additional Information​​

Update your Municipal Floodplain Ordinance (for free)

Contact Leslie Rhoads via email or by phone at 717-236-9469, x237.